Wood and forest

The forest sector is the foundation of the Finnish bioeconomy. Collaboration between our strong forest sector and other sectors makes Finland a true leader in bioeconomy. We have already made joint efforts to develop knowledge, technologies and solutions that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Besides wood products and paper, biomasses originating in forests are now being used to create textile fibres, medicines, chemicals, functional foods, plastics, cosmetics, smart packaging and biofuels.

Finnish forests are managed and used in a sustainable manner. Eighty per cent of our land area is forest, and it is managed carefully to ensure that much more wood grows every year than what is utilised. The forest industry utilises natural resources in a way that takes into account the economic, social and ecological dimensions of sustainability.

News, Wood and forest

Articles, Wood and forest

HAMK’s new international study program creating future experts in sustainable forestry

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Students stand in the forest with measuring sticks.

Häme University of Applied Sciences, HAMK, has long roots in forestry education. The school believes…

Acoustic tiles made of wood fibre reduce the carbon footprint

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Wood fiber acoustic tiles are changing the building sector, one tile at a time. It…

Biorefinery Map™ displaying biorefineries in Europe


Biorefinery Map™ was published in the summer 2022. It displays for the first time wood-based…

At the forefront of the textile revolution – Finnish biomaterials startup presents a new, more sustainable textile fiber


The rapidly evolving field of sustainable textile fibers has a new player. Aalto University’s…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 8: Capturing microplastics with nanocellulose


Research scientist Ilona Leppänen at VTT Finland has developed a solution to the microplastics problem…

Making sustainable car batteries from wood

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What if you could replace graphitic carbon in lithium-ion batteries with something more sustainable? Something…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 6: Bio-based coating for wood

Brown lignin powder and water in a transparent glass.

Researchers turn a non-toxic residue into wood coating that resists abrasion, stain, and sunlight. Due…

“A Billion Ton Bioeconomy Vision” in the United States – Finland looking to partner


Traditional expertise in the forest industry along with wood-based product innovations over the last few…

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