Tag: tutkimus @en

How a biogas plant works – a visit to the Luke facility in Jokioinen


A farm-scale biogas plant was completed at the Jokioinen site of the Natural Resources Institute…

More wood surfaces to hospitals and health care centres

Sairaalan aula, jossa kaiteet puisia.

Would it be possible to increase the use of wood in health care buildings? This…

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry provides EUR five million in funding for research and innovation projects that promote climate change resilience in agriculture, forestry and other types of land use


The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry funds five new research and innovation projects from the…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 6: Bio-based coating for wood

Brown lignin powder and water in a transparent glass.

Researchers turn a non-toxic residue into wood coating that resists abrasion, stain, and sunlight. Due…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 5: Engineering fungal mycelium to produce leather without cows

Light brown synthetic leather in a transparent Petri dish.

The fashion industry has a huge carbon footprint that is growing rapidly. In the NewLeather…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 4: Searching for the genetic code of colors


The colors we use to dye our clothes are a burden to the environment. The…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 3: Engineering the cell factory


To stay competitive, industries need to increase their productivity. Typically this is done by improving…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 1: Using microbes to create new bioplastics

Mikrobeja tutkitaan petrimaljassa.

Research scientist Anna Ylinen is doing her doctoral thesis at the Center for Young Synbio…

Wooden building – A beauty with health benefits?

Interior image of Tuupala Wood School.

Finns love their wild forests and blue lakes. Therefore, it is no wonder that they…

Roach and other cyprinid fish are an unexploited treasure in Finnish waters


Finland has a great deal of potential when it comes to increasing the sustainable use…

Time to re-think and modernise the European economy


If you think how we today produce and consume goods it is evident that the…

Research project: Photosynthesis research – a fundamental tool in bioeconomy

Laboratory equipment.

Transition from fossil raw materials to sustainable bioeconomy is one of the most fundamental challenges…

Future food from your kitchen table

Blueberries and CellPod food cells in a wooden cup.

Forget the shrivelled basils! How about a cloudberry or arctic bramble-smoothie with fresh ingredients grown…

Recommendations for the Finnish forest-based bioeconomy R&D


The Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of the Forest-based Sector Technology Platform (FTP) provides an European-level…

Regulation to promote bioeconomy – project

A section sign on blue background. Illustrative picture.

The ‘Regulation to promote bioeconomy’ project examines legislative and administrative obstacles and possibilities in terms…