Tag: puurakentaminen @en

More wood surfaces to hospitals and health care centres

Sairaalan aula, jossa kaiteet puisia.

Would it be possible to increase the use of wood in health care buildings? This…

Wooden building – A beauty with health benefits?

Interior image of Tuupala Wood School.

Finns love their wild forests and blue lakes. Therefore, it is no wonder that they…

Accommodation concept for the demands of ecological and experiential nature tourism

Ecosystem servicesCase
Accommodation in winter forest with northern lights in the background.

Vuolas accommodation combines the best features of cottage life, hotel nights, and staying in the…

A wooden telecommunication mast is aesthetic and ecologic

Wood and forestCase
Traffic and in the background wooden telecommunication mast.

EcoTelligent Ltd has brought a new wooden ECOPOL-telecommunication mast to the market. With its low-carbon…

Publication: Finland is a forerunner in new bioeconomy innovations

Wood and forestNews

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

Publication: Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges

Wood and forestCase
Wood based bioeconomy solving global challenges.

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

Stora Enso aims to boost wood construction with new building solutions

Wood and forestCase
Ilustration of light wooden apartment house.

Stora Enso has launched a new concept, Building Systems by Stora Enso, to support the…

Intelligent wooden cladding products

Wood and forestCase
Haptic wooden surfaces.

Haptic combines Finnish wooden interior design and technological know-how with its new solution that brings…

Timber structures

Wood and forestCase
Metsä Group's interior design timber structures.

Timber construction slows down climate change, as trees trap carbon dioxide from the air during…

Building with Wood

Wood and forestCase
A city view with wooden architecture.

In the old days, whole towns were constructed from wood in Scandinavia. Since the 19th…