Oats are a “supergrain” and a good source of diverse nutrients. The EU has approved…
Thanks to its strength and lightness, plywood is suitable for a variety of end-uses from…
The word paper brings to mind newspapers, magazines, books, office paper, toilet paper and so…
Made from wood and biodegradable plastic, Woodcast® is an innovative, ecological and completely non-toxic casting…
Light-coloured wood shavings used in stalls provide horses with protection against cold floors and give…
Wood pellets are a Finnish fuel product made from renewable natural resources, which can be…
Packaging is used everywhere from manufacturing industries to retail, households and everywhere in between. The…
In some situations it is nearly impossible to find any sensible alternative for products made…
For a long time, the paper, board and pulp industry has contributed approximately two-thirds of…
Did you know: one cubic metre of wood is enough to make 20,000 paperback covers or 10,000…
Timber construction slows down climate change, as trees trap carbon dioxide from the air during…
Self-adhesive labels are used on packaging of all shapes and sizes and on many different…
The Biofore concept car of UPM demonstrates an innovative use of biomaterials in the automotive…
The UPM ProFi composite was utilised at the Finnish pavilion (dubbed ‘Giant’s Kettle’) at…
Packaging needs to tell the product story and describe the content. Polar Loop is an…
In the old days, whole towns were constructed from wood in Scandinavia. Since the 19th…