Tag: biotechnology

Finland joins non-paper: The bioeconomy must be at the core of the EU’s industrial policy

Editors' choiceCase

Bio-based solutions and biotechnologies drive circular bioeconomy. They boost EU competitiveness, create jobs, and enhance…

Smart Bioeconomy documentary series: Science news for junior high school and high school students


The world needs scientists and engineers – now more than ever. Tackling climate change will require…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 8: Capturing microplastics with nanocellulose


Research scientist Ilona Leppänen at VTT Finland has developed a solution to the microplastics problem…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 7: New super material inspired by mantis shrimp club

Nanokomposiitista valmistettu valkoinen hammaskruunu.

VTT researcher Dr. Pezhman Mohammadi and his research group have developed a new type of…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 6: Bio-based coating for wood

Brown lignin powder and water in a transparent glass.

Researchers turn a non-toxic residue into wood coating that resists abrasion, stain, and sunlight. Due…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 5: Engineering fungal mycelium to produce leather without cows

Light brown synthetic leather in a transparent Petri dish.

The fashion industry has a huge carbon footprint that is growing rapidly. In the NewLeather…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 4: Searching for the genetic code of colors


The colors we use to dye our clothes are a burden to the environment. The…

Publication: Finland is a forerunner in new bioeconomy innovations

Wood and forestNews

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

Publication: Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges

Wood and forestCase
Wood based bioeconomy solving global challenges.

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

Future food from your kitchen table

Blueberries and CellPod food cells in a wooden cup.

Forget the shrivelled basils! How about a cloudberry or arctic bramble-smoothie with fresh ingredients grown…