Tag: biorefinery

Biorefinery Map™ displaying biorefineries in Europe


Biorefinery Map™ was published in the summer 2022. It displays for the first time wood-based…

CH-Bioforce is revolutionizing the production of bio-based materials

Wood and forestCase
Lignine and a toy tractor made of lignine.

CH-Bioforce has developed a completely new way of processing biomass. With the help of the…

Publication: Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges

Wood and forestCase
Wood based bioeconomy solving global challenges.

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

Yarn from wood for textile industry with Spinnova’s innovative technology

Wood and forestCase
Pulp yarn.

With Spinnova’s new technology it’s possible to produce yarn from pulp without any…

Excursion to Finnish bioeconomy and circular economy 24.-25. Sep 2015


Group of influential EU figures acquaint themselves with Finnish bioeconomy and circular economy, 24.-25. Sep 2015 […

Tall oil is a treasure trove of bio-based products

Tall oil based product: a car tire, lipstick, cleaning product, paint.

Crude Tall Oil (CTO) is a versatile, valuable and renewable substance the fractions of which…

Frontrunner in innovation – UPM produces low emission diesel from crude tall oil

UPM Lappeenranta biorefinery.

UPM has built the world´s first commercial scale biorefinery producing wood-based renewable diesel in…

Bioeconomy in practise – from wood to wheels

Wood and forestBlog

5 Feb 2015 A bus is waiting in the front of The Ministry of Employment and the…

Biorefinery Competition 2014


The Ministry of Employment and the Economy is organising an international competition aimed at accelerating…