Tag: biopolttoaineet @en

Government submits to Parliament its proposal to add biogas and electrofuels to distribution obligation


On 8 April 2021, the Government submitted to Parliament a proposal, which would extend the national distribution…

IKEA foodwaste gets a new life as pure Gasum biogas

Gasum filling station.

New cooperation agreement between Gasum and IKEA Finland brings gas filling stations to IKEA stores.…

Publication: Finland is a forerunner in new bioeconomy innovations

Wood and forestNews

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

Publication: Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges

Wood and forestCase
Wood based bioeconomy solving global challenges.

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

Qvidja Kraft’s biomethanation method revolutionises efficiency and storage of bioenergy

A swamp.

With this new method microbes obtained from swamps produce methane from hydrogen, carbon dioxide, biogas…

Neste MY Renewable Diesel reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 90 percent

My Neste diesel in a small bottle.

Neste offers environmentally conscious consumers and corporate customers an opportunity to start using a fully…

Metsä Group is building the world´s first next-generation bioproduct mill

Wood and forestCase
Metsä Groups biofabrik.

Metsä Fibre, which is part of Metsä Group, is building a new bioproduct mill in…

Cleaner city traffic with wood-based diesel

En buss.

UPM started fleet tests of its novel wood-based diesel fuel in urban buses together with…

Frontrunner in innovation – UPM produces low emission diesel from crude tall oil

UPM Lappeenranta biorefinery.

UPM has built the world´s first commercial scale biorefinery producing wood-based renewable diesel in…

Neste Oil produces renewable fuel with innovative technology


By using the NEXBTL technology developed in Finland, almost any vegetable oil or animal fat…

Bioeconomy in practise – from wood to wheels

Wood and forestBlog

5 Feb 2015 A bus is waiting in the front of The Ministry of Employment and the…

Biofuel, bioplastic and nanocellulose

Wood and forestCase
Biofuel put into a car.

Just like any other organic material, wood can also be used to make oil. Wood-based…