Tag: bioenergy

Provisional agreement reached on EU carbon removal certification framework


During the negotiations on the carbon removal certification framework regulation of the European Union, a…

Letter to the Commission: Finland and nine other EU Member States express their concern over the proposed revisions to the bioenergy sustainability criteria


Just before the informal meeting of energy ministers in Amiens, France, on 21–22 January, Finland and…

Publication: Finland is a forerunner in new bioeconomy innovations

Wood and forestNews

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

Publication: Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges

Wood and forestCase
Wood based bioeconomy solving global challenges.

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

Making of Tomorrow: Flexibility from Bioenergy

Man driving a car. An image from video.

Bioenergy is an easily adjustable and storable form of renewable energy. It can offer both…

Qvidja Kraft’s biomethanation method revolutionises efficiency and storage of bioenergy

A swamp.

With this new method microbes obtained from swamps produce methane from hydrogen, carbon dioxide, biogas…

Metsä Group is building the world´s first next-generation bioproduct mill

Wood and forestCase
Metsä Groups biofabrik.

Metsä Fibre, which is part of Metsä Group, is building a new bioproduct mill in…

New kind of HorsePower in energy generation


3.2.2016 Horse industry has talked about using horse manure in energy generation for years. Usually talks…

Producing propane from cellulose with help of bacteria – iGEM competition


August 3, 2015 iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) is an international synthetic biology competition. Our team consists…

Sustainable Bioenergy Solutions for Tomorrow (BEST) research program

Best - Sustainable bioenergy solutions for tomorrow -logo.

The BEST program makes the best of today’s Finnish bioenergy know-how to build new…

Wood pellets

A hand sprinkling wood pellets.

Wood pellets are a Finnish fuel product made from renewable natural resources, which can be…

Biofuel, bioplastic and nanocellulose

Wood and forestCase
Biofuel put into a car.

Just like any other organic material, wood can also be used to make oil. Wood-based…