Articles on 8. Decent work and economic growth

Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

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Arkio Industries developed a solid material out of cellulose


The Finnish startup company Arkio Industries has developed an innovative material based on cellulose, with&…

Fluff Stuff develops plant-based textile fillings from peatlands

Fish and watersCase
Tummahiuksinen nainen punaisessa takissa seisoo ulkona ja pitelee kädessään osmankäämejä.

To replace down and polyester, Fluff Stuff processes cattail seed hairs into a filling that&…

Sawn goods export prices boost value added in the forest sector

Wood and forestCase

Finland’s bioeconomy is strongly based on forests. Last year, the forest sector’s share…

The happiest people in the world and the purest nature – the renewed showcases Finland’s best travel destinations

Ecosystem servicesCase, a travel website for an international audience, was relaunched in early 2022, showcasing Finland&…

A container full of animal feed – fly pupae grown on waste potatoes can be used as feed for chickens or fish

Valkoisella pöydällä mustasotilaskärpäsen toukkia

Manna Insect Ltd grows black soldier fly larvae in containers. The larvae become animal feed,&…

Fabrics from the forest, colours from the field – Marimekko is looking for environmentally friendly alternatives for its production


Marimekko is looking for materials for its products with little environmental impact. Bio-based tableware will&…

BLOOM gives a fresh boost to bioeconomy communication in Europe

Bioeconomy products.

Bioeconomy, and more specifically circular bioeconomy, is a hot topic in Europe at the moment&…