Articles on 3. Good health and well-being

Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

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More wood surfaces to hospitals and health care centres

Sairaalan aula, jossa kaiteet puisia.

Would it be possible to increase the use of wood in health care buildings? This…

Harnessing Solar Power: A Revolutionary Self-Sterilizing Material


The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented changes to our world. The swift and widespread…

Life saving drug detection with Nanocellulose – check out the video!


In an ambitious FinnCERES project, a multidisciplinary team of scientists from VTT and Aalto University…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 8: Capturing microplastics with nanocellulose


Research scientist Ilona Leppänen at VTT Finland has developed a solution to the microplastics problem…

From rags to new robes: closing the loop for textiles


Imagine your ripped jeans and stained old T-shirts being broken down at the molecular level,…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 6: Bio-based coating for wood

Brown lignin powder and water in a transparent glass.

Researchers turn a non-toxic residue into wood coating that resists abrasion, stain, and sunlight. Due…

Wooden building – A beauty with health benefits?

Interior image of Tuupala Wood School.

Finns love their wild forests and blue lakes. Therefore, it is no wonder that they…

Natural healing: UPM’s FibDex® replaces synthetic materials in wound dressing with wood-based nanocellulose

Birch leaf.

The novel wood-based wound dressing offers significant benefits for both patients and hospitals and is…