Articles on 2. Zero hunger

Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture

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A container full of animal feed – fly pupae grown on waste potatoes can be used as feed for chickens or fish

Valkoisella pöydällä mustasotilaskärpäsen toukkia

Manna Insect Ltd grows black soldier fly larvae in containers. The larvae become animal feed,…

From rags to new robes: closing the loop for textiles


Imagine your ripped jeans and stained old T-shirts being broken down at the molecular level,…

Bioeconomy promoting rural development in Europe

Lavender field.

The bioeconomy can mean very different things for people living in rural areas in Finland,…

BLOOM gives a fresh boost to bioeconomy communication in Europe

Bioeconomy products.

Bioeconomy, and more specifically circular bioeconomy, is a hot topic in Europe at the moment…

CH-Bioforce is revolutionizing the production of bio-based materials

Wood and forestCase
Lignine and a toy tractor made of lignine.

CH-Bioforce has developed a completely new way of processing biomass. With the help of the…