Arctic Warriors bring traditional Lappish herbs to life

Case - Published 16.11.2015
Roseroot and Angelica, herbs native to Lapland, have a long history, yet have been forgotten by the modern man. Arctic Warriors is rediscovering these almost forgotten arctic superfoods.
Finnish Arctic Warriors Ltd, established in 2014, is producing new type of natural products from the traditional herbs of Lapland and answering to the global health and superfood boom.
Arctic conditions, harsh winters and nightless nights of summer, make Lapland, the purest corner of the world, a rather unique growing environment loading herbs and berries with powerful substances, which cannot be artificially copied.
Roseroot and Angelica, herbs native to Lapland, have a long history. Already the Vikings and the Sami people knew their healing powers. Somewhere along the way, however, the modern man forgot these natural healers and they remained forgotten.
Health from nature
Arctic Warriors is providing an easy way for consumers to get the best our of the pureness and healthiness of arctic flora. The company is bringing the Lappish herbs to life through the story of three Arctic Warriors who used to help the ancient people and are now replenishing the modern man.
Arctic Warriors product family includes gel and honey shots and bottled herb extracts. Defence boosts immunity, Endurance fights against physical and mental stress, Energy gives pure natural energy. They can be taken as such or mixed with tea or smoothie.
Traditional knowledge and scientific research hand in hand
Product Manager and Partner Katja Misikangas comes from an old healer family. Her knowledge of Lappish herbs has played a key role in product development. The Natural Resources Institute Finland has provided research information on effectiveness and the pureness of the raw material.
Arctic Warriors has its own network of local planters and pickers to guarantee production at a global scale. The company provides local farms new ways of livelihood and contributes to supporting pure natural products and lively countryside. The growing of herbs calls for expertize and patience since harvesting isn’t possible every year and only the strong roots are used in the products. All the products are made in Rovaniemi.
The most innovative rural startup in 2015
Arctic Warriors Ltd was chosen as Finland’s Most Innovative Rural Startup in 2015. In the award arguments was mentioned that the pure Lappish nature combined with global megatrends such as superfood and storytelling coupled with creative and strategic use of digitalisation and social media in branding and marketing, gives Arctic Warriors a lot of international market potential.
Arctic Warriors has over 300 resellers throughout Finland and the warriors are starting to conquer the world. An international online store distributes Arctic Warriors products around the world. The most potential markets are the European countries, Asia and North America where natural products and superfood market is constantly expanding.
More information:
Sales and Marketing Manager Tuija Kauppinen
Tel. +358 50 493 6573
Email: arcticwarriors
Published 16.11.2015