Articles, blogs and videos

10 policy recommendations for EU member states to build their national bioeconomy policies


Ten policy recommendations are used to incentivize EU member countries to build their national bioeconomy…

From rags to new robes: closing the loop for textiles


Imagine your ripped jeans and stained old T-shirts being broken down at the molecular level,…

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s strategy for 2030 now complete


The Ministry of Agriculture aims to make responsible bioeconomy and circular economy an integral part…

Climate Barometer 2019: Finns wish to have solutions to climate crisis at the heart of policy-making

Editors' choiceNews

Climate Barometer 2019: Finns wish to have solutions to climate crisis at the heart of policy-making…

New estimate — every ninth species in Finland is threatened

Ecosystem servicesNews

Ministry of the Environment and the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) report A new assessment of…

China-EU water cooperation took a leap forward – historical meeting at the Turku Castle

Fish and watersNews

 The annual meeting of the China Europe Water Platform CEWP in Turku on 20-22 September…

China-Europe water cooperation built in Turku – Ministers from several countries will be present

Fish and watersNews

On 21–22 September 2017, a high-level political conference on water cooperation between China and the EU will…

Publication: Finland is a forerunner in new bioeconomy innovations

Wood and forestNews

The publication “Wood-Based Bioeconomy Solving Global Challenges”, written by top experts from companies, research institutes…

China-Europe water cooperation built in Turku in September


In September 2017 a high-level political conference on water cooperation will be organised in Turku, Helsinki.…

VTT Bioeconomy Hack – haku käynnissä


VTT järjestää  hackathonin biotalouden digitalisaatiosta marraskuussa 2016. Tavoitteena on löytää digitaalisia ratkaisuja, joilla biotalouden haasteet käännetään…
