Articles, blogs and videos

The bioeconomy employs one in every ten in Finland

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According to preliminary data, the value added of the bioeconomy was EUR 29.3 billion in 2023, down…

16 EU Member States led by Finland: Bioeconomy must stand out at core of next Commission’s Work Programme

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According to the joint statement of the For Forest group composed of four forested countries…

Finland joins non-paper: The bioeconomy must be at the core of the EU’s industrial policy

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Bio-based solutions and biotechnologies drive circular bioeconomy. They boost EU competitiveness, create jobs, and enhance…

Catch the Carbon projects to be presented at several side events of COP28

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry will organise two side events and act as a…

Government proposes increased transparency on sustainability impacts of large and listed companies

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On 28 September 2023, the Government submitted to Parliament its proposal for amending the Accounting Act, the…

EU Environment Ministers discuss Fit for 55 Package – agenda includes emissions trading, emission limits for cars and LULUFC Regulation

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The EU ministers for the environment and climate issues meet in Luxembourg on 28 June, where…

Bioeconomy Strategy 2022–2035 – Sustainably towards higher value added


Finland’s new Bioeconomy Strategy has been completed. The strategy aims to double the value…

Climate Policy Roundtable: Climate plan for land use sector must take into account many dimensions of just transition

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On Tuesday 22 March, the Climate Policy Roundtable discussed the climate plan for the land use…

IPCC report: Climate change has serious impacts on people and nature – impacts unevenly distributed

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According to the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published on 28 February 2022, climate…

Finland’s Circular Economy Programme sets targets to curb overconsumption of natural resources

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By the resolution on promoting a circular economy adopted today, on 7 April, the Finnish Government…

Rapporteur Routila proposes bioeconomy and circular economy industry for Naantali refinery area

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At the request of Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä, Patria Oyj’s Chairman of…

Agreements between State and cities to speed up innovations in carbon reduction, digitalisation and wellbeing

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The State has concluded agreements with 16 urban areas to strengthen innovation activities. The objective of…

Hiilestä kiinni – Catch the carbon research and innovation programme to produce climate-sustainable land use solutions, extensive call for applications now open

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The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has opened an extensive call for applications for research…

Study: Carbon tariffs may curb carbon leakage, but implementing them is a slow and uncertain process that burdens trade relations

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The carbon tariffs planned by the EU may curb carbon leakage, but on closer inspection,…

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s strategy for 2030 now complete


The Ministry of Agriculture aims to make responsible bioeconomy and circular economy an integral part…

Climate Barometer 2019: Finns wish to have solutions to climate crisis at the heart of policy-making

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Climate Barometer 2019: Finns wish to have solutions to climate crisis at the heart of policy-making…