Articles, blogs and videos

Superfood and cosmetics from the gifts of northern nature

Two Fenola products.

Berries, fungi, and herbs are a treasure trove of northern nature that goes mostly ignored&…

Call for pre-proposals for Nordic Centres of Excellence (Bioeconomy)

Editors' ChoiceNews

NordForsk launches a new two-phase call for proposals for Nordic Centres of Excellence within the&…

FRANTSILA – Wellbeing and health from nature


Frantsila Organic Herb Farm has been a pioneer of organic herb growing and natural health&…

Finnish spruce produces protective and nurturing ingredients also for human health

Wood and forestCase
An axe on a tree trunk.

Repolar Pharmaceuticals Ltd develops and manufactures products based on resin of a spruce tree. The&…

Science documentary: The Future of Finland, pilot episode

Wood and forestVideo

Finnish forests, the future of Finland. The Future of Finland – pilot episode from Suomen…

Producing propane from cellulose with help of bacteria – iGEM competition


August 3, 2015 iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) is an international synthetic biology competition. Our…

Tall oil is a treasure trove of bio-based products

Tall oil based product: a car tire, lipstick, cleaning product, paint.

Crude Tall Oil (CTO) is a versatile, valuable and renewable substance the fractions of which&…

Frontrunner in innovation – UPM produces low emission diesel from crude tall oil

UPM Lappeenranta biorefinery.

UPM has built the world´s first commercial scale biorefinery producing wood-based renewable diesel in…

NWBC 2015 – 6th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference Helsinki, Finland, October 20 – 22, 2015

Wood and forestNews

The international event, Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), is the leading meeting forum for wood&…

European development agencies assembled in Jyväskylä on 22–24 April – regional companies showcasing their expertise


The meeting of the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) assembles development agencies from all&…

Neste Oil produces renewable fuel with innovative technology


By using the NEXBTL technology developed in Finland, almost any vegetable oil or animal fat&…

Bioeconomy in practise – from wood to wheels

Wood and forestBlog

5 Feb 2015 A bus is waiting in the front of The Ministry of Employment…

Finnish Bioeconomy – How to communicate the concept and opportunities?

Wood and forestBlog

December 8th 2014 Early October, during the biomass Chemistry lectures for the 20 odd international…


Wood and forestCase
WoodCast as a leg support.

Made from wood and biodegradable plastic, Woodcast® is an innovative, ecological and completely non-toxic casting&…

Biofuel, bioplastic and nanocellulose

Wood and forestCase
Biofuel put into a car.

Just like any other organic material, wood can also be used to make oil. Wood-based&…

Medicines from wood

Wood and forestCase
Abilar -cream.

Wood contains thousands of compounds, though only a fraction of them are known to us&…