Articles, blogs and videos

Superfood and cosmetics from the gifts of northern nature

Two Fenola products.

Berries, fungi, and herbs are a treasure trove of northern nature that goes mostly ignored…

Call for pre-proposals for Nordic Centres of Excellence (Bioeconomy)

Editors' choiceNews

NordForsk launches a new two-phase call for proposals for Nordic Centres of Excellence within the…

FRANTSILA – Wellbeing and health from nature


Frantsila Organic Herb Farm has been a pioneer of organic herb growing and natural health…

Finnish spruce produces protective and nurturing ingredients also for human health

Wood and forestCase
An axe on a tree trunk.

Repolar Pharmaceuticals Ltd develops and manufactures products based on resin of a spruce tree. The…

Science documentary: The Future of Finland, pilot episode

Wood and forestVideo

Finnish forests, the future of Finland. The Future of Finland – pilot episode from Suomen Tulevaisuus…

Producing propane from cellulose with help of bacteria – iGEM competition


August 3, 2015 iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) is an international synthetic biology competition. Our team consists…

Tall oil is a treasure trove of bio-based products

Tall oil based product: a car tire, lipstick, cleaning product, paint.

Crude Tall Oil (CTO) is a versatile, valuable and renewable substance the fractions of which…

Frontrunner in innovation – UPM produces low emission diesel from crude tall oil

UPM Lappeenranta biorefinery.

UPM has built the world´s first commercial scale biorefinery producing wood-based renewable diesel in…

NWBC 2015 – 6th Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference Helsinki, Finland, October 20 – 22, 2015

Wood and forestNews

The international event, Nordic Wood Biorefinery Conference (NWBC), is the leading meeting forum for wood…

European development agencies assembled in Jyväskylä on 22–24 April – regional companies showcasing their expertise


The meeting of the European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) assembles development agencies from all…

Neste Oil produces renewable fuel with innovative technology


By using the NEXBTL technology developed in Finland, almost any vegetable oil or animal fat…

Bioeconomy in practise – from wood to wheels

Wood and forestBlog

5 Feb 2015 A bus is waiting in the front of The Ministry of Employment and the…

Finnish Bioeconomy – How to communicate the concept and opportunities?

Wood and forestBlog

December 8th 2014 Early October, during the biomass Chemistry lectures for the 20 odd international students pursuing…


Wood and forestCase
WoodCast as a leg support.

Made from wood and biodegradable plastic, Woodcast® is an innovative, ecological and completely non-toxic casting…

Biofuel, bioplastic and nanocellulose

Wood and forestCase
Biofuel put into a car.

Just like any other organic material, wood can also be used to make oil. Wood-based…

Medicines from wood

Wood and forestCase
Abilar -cream.

Wood contains thousands of compounds, though only a fraction of them are known to us…