Articles, blogs and videos

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 5: Engineering fungal mycelium to produce leather without cows

Light brown synthetic leather in a transparent Petri dish.

The fashion industry has a huge carbon footprint that is growing rapidly. In the NewLeather…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 4: Searching for the genetic code of colors


The colors we use to dye our clothes are a burden to the environment. The…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 3: Engineering the cell factory


To stay competitive, industries need to increase their productivity. Typically this is done by improving…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 2: Spider Silk – the supermaterial of the future

Electrospinning of a biosynthetic spidersilk.

Spider silk is one of the strongest materials found in the natural world. Scientists have…

Meet the Scientists of the Future Bioeconomy part 1: Using microbes to create new bioplastics

Mikrobeja tutkitaan petrimaljassa.

Research scientist Anna Ylinen is doing her doctoral thesis at the Center for Young Synbio…

Government roadmap to carbon neutral Finland – climate leadership means opportunities for the whole country


At its climate meeting on Monday 3 February, the Finnish Government published a roadmap that specifies…

Minister Lintilä travels to France to promote Finnish circular economy and battery industry expertise


Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä will lead a Team Finland visit to France on 29–31…

New life for biowaste – resource-smart fabric made of straw

Top and skirt made of wheat straw.

The globally growing concern about climate change and finite resources has turned the attention to…

EU environment and climate ministers: climate crisis and biodiversity loss caused by overconsumption require joint solutions


EU environment and climate ministers discussed stepping up global climate action in their informal meeting.…

European Bioeconomy Scene 2019 in Helsinki brings together bioeconomy experts from all over Europe


More than 350 bioeconomy experts from all over Europe gather today in Helsinki, Finland, at the…

Natural healing: UPM’s FibDex® replaces synthetic materials in wound dressing with wood-based nanocellulose

Birch leaf.

The novel wood-based wound dressing offers significant benefits for both patients and hospitals and is…

Finland’s programme for its presidency of the Council of the EU is published: “Sustainable Europe – sustainable future”

Wood and forestNews

The priorities for Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union are to…

European Bioeconomy Scene 2019 conference will bring 350 bioeconomy experts to Helsinki


Bioeconomy creates new growth and opportunities. The Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, in cooperation…

CH-Bioforce is revolutionizing the production of bio-based materials

Wood and forestCase
Lignine and a toy tractor made of lignine.

CH-Bioforce has developed a completely new way of processing biomass. With the help of the…

Helsinki – the Bioeconomy Scene in July

Wood and forestNews

The seaside city of Helsinki offers food for thought on the sustainable use of natural…

Workshop: The role of communication and education to promote changes in purchasing habits and increasing the acceptance of bio-based products


Venue: Ministry of Education and Culture, Meritullinkatu 1, Helsinki – Finland On Monday 8 July 2019 (09.30-17.00), in…