Fiber-X Finland Oy

Fiber-X Finland Oy is developing bioindustry solutions to replace plastic materials by utilizing agroresidues and other industrial waste streams. Lappeenranta PDC center built 2020 providing roll-to-roll piloting, demonstration and training services and Proof-of-Concept development.
Core expertise areas: bioplant concepts, straw-based materials, biocomposites, foam forming, filter materials, process development, product commercialization.
Sectors in bioeconomy: Wood and forest, Fish and waters, Energy
Services: Services and products for companies, Education, Research, Consulting services
Operating: international
Tags: concept development, Proof-of-Concept, piloting and demonstration, training, biocomposites
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Disclaimer: Please note that information included in this directory and any linked sites is supplied by the organisations themselves. Last updated Mar 04, 2021.