Consumer product packaging

Case - Published 4.7.2014
Packaging needs to tell the product story and describe the content. Polar Loop is an activity tracker in a bracelet. It allows users to keep track of their daily moves and features advanced technology in a wristband design that makes it look like a piece of personal jewellery. How would you communicate this through packaging materials, shape, colours and typography?
When the product is in the store, the packaging must provide key information about product benefits and catch the eye of potential buyers with its design. As online shopping becomes ever more popular, the packaging must also be able to be shipped around the world and deliver a great customer experience upon arrival. When the packaging is opened, another key area of packaging design, namely usability, becomes crucial. The packaging must be smart and easy to open.
The final design and functionality of the packaging is a combination of materials, form, colours, typography and finishing treatment. Attractive packaging stands out, is interesting and emotionally appealing. The new Polar Loop activity tracker by Polar has a fun and unique packaging. The design is based on the need to have an eye-catching product in stores and to communicate the product identity in an appealing way. Health, wellness and daily physical activity are hot topics. Every step contributes to your health. The Polar Loop bracelet tracks the daily moves, from climbing the stairs to a run in the evening and even the quality of sleep. Recyclable natural materials are ideal for the packaging of fitness products. The products are sold around the world, which is why the packaging has to be lightweight and not too large for shipping.
The Polar Loop packaging structure was designed at the Stora Enso Design Studio in Lahti in cooperation with Polar’s designers. The professional team of the Design Studio led by the packaging designer fine-tuned the initial idea of a pouch into a functional and cost-effective packaging, which was further enhanced by an attractive graphic design. The packaging is a good example of the creative side of the forestry industry and of its cooperation with customers. The Design Studio aims to bring together customers and packaging specialists in a well-equipped facility where participants can literally start the design process as soon as they come together. The first packaging prototype could even be ready by the end of the first meeting. The studio brings together the customer needs with creativity, design, and knowledge of the structural and productional feasibility of the packaging. Outstanding design can also lead to innovations.
Text and photos are from the info cards in the presentation briefcase on the Finnish forest sector. The idea of a briefcase with various kinds of samples to present this diverse sector came from the young people themselves. The briefcase has been handed out at visits to upper secondary schools.
More information on the briefcase and visits: vilma.issakainen(@) and anne.kettunen(@)