Fish and Waters

Global development challenges Finland to examine water resources and their utilisation in a new way. The need for water is increasing inevitably around the world. Population growth and lifestyle changes force us to seek new solutions for the use and exploitation of water and water systems.

The water resources of Finland, i.e. the opportunities of blue bioeconomy, are based on the abundant water resources, high technical expertise and the solution’s ability to tackle multi-sectoral challenges. In addition, Finland has a good international reputation when it comes to water and environmental expertise. Bioeconomy solutions also have the potential to boost social welfare and employment if water resources and their use and production potential are examined more comprehensively. Versatile use of water resources is already the basis for many economic activities. The main areas of the blue bioeconomy are water business, energy production, fisheries, nutrient recycling and industrial symbiosis.

Based on the preliminary report, fisheries and tourism have been identified as potential growth opportunities in the short term. In addition to this, the potential growth of exports in water business is very substantial. Long-term growth potential is associated with the recycling of nutrients and industrial symbiosis.

News, Fish and waters

Articles, Fish and waters

Fluff Stuff develops plant-based textile fillings from peatlands

Fish and watersCase
Tummahiuksinen nainen punaisessa takissa seisoo ulkona ja pitelee kädessään osmankäämejä.

To replace down and polyester, Fluff Stuff processes cattail seed hairs into a filling that…

Hiukka Hyvä produces oil spill mats from human hair and dog fur

Fish and watersCase

European hair salons and barber shops generate 72 million kilograms of hair waste each year, while…

Clever use of small Baltic Sea fish – Hailia Nordic makes modern fish products for professional kitchens

Fish and watersCase

Thanks to technology developed by a company in Karkkila, even the smallest of small fish…

The key to sustainable growth lies in the oceans

Windpower stations in forested landscape.

Often seen as one of the most overstretched resources, the seas offer one of the…

Growth of marine wind power to boost fish farming

Fish and watersBlog

The enormous capacity of marine areas to produce energy and food offers the humankind the…

Private capital – solution to global challenges?

Fish and watersBlog

Based on international assessments, achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will require USD 5,000 to 7,000 billion…

Is the blue bioeconomy sustainable?

Fish and watersBlog

The blue bioeconomy refers to the sustainable use of renewable aquatic natural resources and business…

Leadership in water business requires open-minded innovation

Fish and watersBlog

Access to clean water in abundance is so self-evident for us Finns that we do…

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