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Bioeconomy aims for even safer food that is grown, fertilised and processed in a way that minimises adverse climate impacts and enhances the its health-promoting properties. Functional foods produced through the bioeconomy include xylitol chewing gum, yogurts containing lactic acid bacteria and plant sterol-enriched margarines. Synthetic additives have been replaced with nature’s own substances.

Material previously considered waste also presents an opportunity for the bioeconomy. Efficient utilisation of raw materials ensures that the healthiest components of plants are used for human consumption or animal feed instead of ending up in landfills. Food industry side streams can be used to produce bioproducts in the chemical industry as well as in energy production. This means that several products are produced simultaneously and every effort is made to avoid discarding any of the materials.

News, Food

Articles, Food

A container full of animal feed – fly pupae grown on waste potatoes can be used as feed for chickens or fish

Valkoisella pöydällä mustasotilaskärpäsen toukkia

Manna Insect Ltd grows black soldier fly larvae in containers. The larvae become animal feed,&…

CGI Waste Manager helps professional kitchens halve food waste volumes

Two male chefs working side by side at a restaurant kitchen.

Preventing food waste is a concrete way of promoting sustainability in restaurants and other professional&…

How to cut the carbon footprint of milk down to zero?

A woman and a grazing cow.

Valio’s goal is to cut the carbon footprint of milk to zero by 2035. Carbon-neutral&…

New life for biowaste – resource-smart fabric made of straw

Top and skirt made of wheat straw.

The globally growing concern about climate change and finite resources has turned the attention to&…

GrainSense, the hand-held device with cloud services for instant grain quality measurements

GrainSense in hand, in the background field.

The GrainSense analyser is designed for measuring the moisture, protein, oil and carbohydrates in cereals&…

CH-Bioforce is revolutionizing the production of bio-based materials

Wood and forestCase
Lignine and a toy tractor made of lignine.

CH-Bioforce has developed a completely new way of processing biomass. With the help of the&…

Roberts Berrie supplies the daily berries all year round

A woman drinking Roberts Berrie product.

Finnish berry innovation Roberts Berrie contains a huge amount of whole berries from the northern&…

Helsieni mushrooms from coffee waste

Helsieni package in the seaside.

We all have a great potential to impact positively to the environment with the food&…

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